To gay or not to gay?

Dont know how many times we have to go through this, am I gay or not? Do Carso and Nia have a relationship?
Well after a lot of  consideration I have come to realize that you can believe whatever that feels right for you.
Were trying to explain for Carsos dad this weekend that just because Carso and Nia have sex together with a man now and then it doesnt necessary mean that they are lesbians. Didnt really get through i think so tried to explain that Carso and Nia sleep with men on their own very often and that one of them in fact is sleepin on a regular basis with her ex...but no, we are gay if you ask Carsos family. After a while on this subject Daddy Baloos girlfriends asked us to change subject, apparently this isnt a normal conversation for a parent to have with his children....haha
Well then dont start converstations you cant handle to finish

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

Skriv om du måste men se för fan till att stava rätt
Postat av: Lillasyster josefine

du är sinnesjuk. du vet det va?? men jag älskar dig iaf <3

2009-03-25 @ 12:54:14

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