Its like a fucking flu

Dont know if you have noticed but there must be a babyepidemic going on, they are everywhere!
If you dont see them on the streets you hear about people just havin a baby or gettin knocked up, I dont get the fuss like! Sure they are cute and all but why oh god why do you all have to get them at he same time?
For us who only likes to borrow them, instead of gettin our own, it would be more fun if you could spread out a bit, like one baby every six to eight  months or so. In that way we also increase the chances to have at least one kid in the best ages (2-3) at all time. ´To be honest babies arent that fun, they only sleep, eat and poo so the parents can keep them until they are about a year and a half then we´ll take them and teach them all we know about life and how to get by.
When they have turned four or five you can have them back and then we´ll take them again when they are teenagers. This time we´ll teach them all we know about gettin drunk, gettin stoned, gettin laid and gettin a good education.

These are the only two kids that I actually do love

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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