This is my breakfast/lunch

Just woke up, missed the first class, ooops. Now im sitting here and enjoying my dear caramel waffels, one of the best inventions ever. So delicious the almost melt in your mouth.

Last nigt was a lot of fun, a lot of people and a lot of drinking. Finally I got the right beer at the supermarket. So I drank cherrybeer all night. And to night theres a nother party. Seems like we dont have any other intrests here at katho then being drunk, suits me well I have to admit.

Me and Aina the tequlia girl are planning to take a trip during mid-term break hope more people will join us, gonna be a lot of fun! Heres som pics from last night:

-sweet                                             -Russian girl Tanja (neighbour)

-The two guys are also neighbour         -People

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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