A walk around Kortrij

Today there´s been a beautiful spring weather, me and Nia took a long walk around Kortrijk. We just coulden´t stop walking around and explore the surroundings, think we walked around and photographed about two hours. Took some pic´s on our room, kitchen and bathroom so you all can see how were living here. Think that walk was good for us who been living on kebab, french fries, beer, chocolat and cigarettes. Starting too feel more and more at home. Not much home sickness, but today we missed Carso a lot. Just wanted to have her here exploring Belgium with us.



-I could live here                                                   



-De Corona, suiteble name for our house


-The entire house can here you take a dump, good luck rectum


-Not a nice shower if youre klaustrophobic

Yeah as you see it´s all white and grey. Kind of depressing, feels like a hospital...

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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