Visit at Tina´s

Today I stoped by Tina´s appartment, a big regret. This girl got serios issues, can somebody please help her? Her appartment looks like a dump, it looks like a druggie lives there, o I forgot she is...
She lives in 20 square metre, filled with shoes, clothes and papers all over the floor, she hasent used the washing machine in ages and the smell omg, smoke and old leftovers. Now I understand why we always hang out at Carsos.
She even looked like a hillbilly, looks like she hasen´t showered in ages either. What a social case.
I could tell she was embarrassed, and promissed to get a life, she has booked the laundry room tonight, and she´s going to clean her big 20 square appartment tonight when she´s done with her studying.
Atleast she offered me some coffee, euroshopper instant coffee. I don´t know how she can drink that crap, well it´s better than nothing I guess. Maybe I should call anticimex for her, and the psychward?

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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