
Don´t  you just hate disrespectful people?
Today when I would help Tina with her laundry I almost got croup. Tina booked the laundry room weeks ago, but what happened? The person who had the time before didn´t have the manners to get out in time. I gave the person sveral rings on the door and on the entry phone, but no answer. I even tried to look him/her up on eniro and hitta.se, but no luck. After an hour we gave up, any suggestions on how to get back? A prank maby?

Well his/hers adress is Kyrkgatan 78 appartment 8312 Östersund, R Andersson.
Feel free to pay a visit, bring a carvingknife, machine gun or my favourite a big bomb on your stomach -BOOOM

Better luck next time I guess, motherfuckers!

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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