shoe shopping

Has it ever occured to you while shopping for shoes, how bad peoples shoe-taste is?
Today we wen´t to Wedins at their sale. And all we saw was these women and girls draging around the store, trying out and buying shoes. UGLY shoes, it´s a wonder the shoe -salesmen even sell the kind of shoes these women and girls are buying, it´s like gypzy or turkish summer collection shoes. Offcourse the shoes looks like crap, but the one good thing is that we can find shoes in our pigmy size since they only have like one pair in store when it comes to haveing small sizes. And the women and girls with bad shoe -taste leaves theese pigmy sized shoes, a.k.a hot shoes alone. And thank god for that!
It was worth the effort with the caos, and long queue´s since Carso bought two pairs of boots for 500 swedish kronor: originally 2000 swedish kronor. And Nia got a pair pf hot boots for 300 swedish kronor: they used to cost 1200 swedish kronor.
So "summa sumarum" Nia and Carso earned 2400 swedish kronor and thats a big bargin in this recession!

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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