Is Santa childfriendly?

Kids around the world are waiting for Santa and the presents he will bring them, well not the socially excluded ones.
I think that this Santa person is a very very strange and dangerous guy. He is flyin in the sky with reindeers whom have names and can talk...I mean we clearly have another case here with a person tripping on acid who are supposed to be suitable for kids. Seriosly?!
Then when you tell the kids that santa doesnt exist (to prevent future druguse among children) you are the bad person, how come?
Was watching tv the other night when santa was on telling the world how much he likes his beer...I rest my case.
Parents if you think santa is a good rolemodel for your kids well so be it. But dont blame the kids when they get alcohol and drugproblems later on, or when they are trying to fly on a reindeer and jump down the chimney.

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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