I see molesters

Nias dad lives next door to Salberga anstalten in Sala Silver City. In Salberga Anstalten the biggest prison in Sala the notorius molester Alexandra man is an inmate, Bobbys dad used to also live there but he got bullied and abused so they had to move him. Also the necrophila from Västerås lives there now adays. Really scary one would think, but really, it wasnt better before when Salberga was an mental institution, and anyway the inhabitants of Sala aint the most non violent citizens in Sweden. For an example a few years ago some crackheads assualted a uppsala guy to death, and a few moths later a retarded chick stabbed a friend to death on an afterparty. And most recently a Hells Angel member gunthreatened a boy in central Sala in the middle of the day. A lot of drama in such a small town with only 20.000 inhibitants. Can´t imagine how Nia and her family can live here, I almost shit my pants every day when I´m going out. Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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