Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

This past couple of days I have observed Tina and her studying pattern. If I would put a diagnosis on her I guess it would be ADHD. She shows severe signs of it, for an example she can´t focus on things more then approximately five minutes at the time  I guess she suffers from inattention problems then, and she never finish the project she starts, like the paper which should be finished tomorrow. And shes also very forgetful and that to is a sign of ADHD.
She´s is hyperactive, never sleeps,  and most of the time she´s jumping around like a mongoloid on speed.
 And she´s got problem with anxiety and depression.
She hardly can´t controll her impulses especially when she´s drunk and horny, big warning bells are calling!
I just made her try a test on the internet, which is also used by doctors and pshycologists- DSM IV.
And what a suprise, she had very high scores overall; she´s impulsive, hyperactiv and have big problem with her attention.

I´ve read that ADHD kids and grownups shouldent eat sugar, but then what would I feed Tina?
The should eat omega 3, so maby I should update Tinas private pharmacy and get her to a support group.
Well I guess this wasen´t a surprise for you guys...

Xo Xo Debbie Doll

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