Political career
Sarting up with a conference at school including dinner and the night ends with a lot of fun at the adventure hall. Sounds like a great day doenst it?
Our main question today is whether membership in the student union should be optional or not, what do you think?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Balls of steel
They challenge people to do things that, to say the least, arent very appropriate. Could be having sex at the bowling alley, bringing your own bbottle of vodka to the bar or showing your cunt to a soldier.
Think this would be the perfect show for me to join, like having sex on a roundabout, get a job at a kindergaten and get the kids drunk...or why not start a swingers club at the retirement home?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
And the schedule is crazy ass overwhealming, 9-21.30 everyday exept from a few days when we get off at 17.
Not gonna make this, it will kill me. Im already sick n tiered. Thinking of getting "ill" or be "kidnapped"....
Atleast the food is better, not deepfried schoolfood. But we do live three girls in a small box, and for two weeks im gonna kill someone or myself...
XoXo Debbie Doll
Wild and crazy weekend
This time it includes a hotelroom, backstage passes, a musicband and a very hot guy. Ill leave it up to you to figure the rest out.
Had a great night and the band was really good.

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Gettin ready for Cash!
Carso and K is getting ready for a girls night out with Johnny...they will be very drunk and very hot

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Johnny Cash!
K is coming as well and we are waiting for her to get to Carsos, she lives too far away at the moment Im glad she is moving closer.
So big thanks to Carsos sister the housewives who got her these tickets.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
If I were gay
First place is of course Debbie Harry (as young, but still looks great for her age).
And second place Brody Dalle (Distillers, Spinnerette)
Carsos first place is Angelina Jolie
Anyone else who has theese gaylists? Or am I partially gay since I have theese thoughts and feelings? Or am I jealous/ admiring their looks and want to be like them? Is this som sort of twisted idolising? The world is a confusing place, but atleast I know I want cock and not pussy...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
A comment not suited for kids
Since studying is all Nia and Carso are doing at the moment you need to find your own time to do fun stuff so we will here give you some tips and ideas.
You can never get enough of sextoys, if you are single its a very good substitute and if you are in a relation its a very good spice haha
Will show you the pics of a few of our sextoys, I can assure you that these toys are just great

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Have a new nr one on our HATE list: Eveline Le Roy.
Fucking up Nias life, and rumors say she is a big alcoholic -thihi-
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Oh stupid exams
Life sucks today
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Ive got blood
Tryin to shape up for this weekend, will be very busy. Exam on friday then go home and drink, consert on Saturday and a great hungover on Sunday
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
To gay or not to gay?
Well after a lot of consideration I have come to realize that you can believe whatever that feels right for you.
Were trying to explain for Carsos dad this weekend that just because Carso and Nia have sex together with a man now and then it doesnt necessary mean that they are lesbians. Didnt really get through i think so tried to explain that Carso and Nia sleep with men on their own very often and that one of them in fact is sleepin on a regular basis with her ex...but no, we are gay if you ask Carsos family. After a while on this subject Daddy Baloos girlfriends asked us to change subject, apparently this isnt a normal conversation for a parent to have with his children....haha
Well then dont start converstations you cant handle to finish
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Per-Erik Eriksson

Ibland liksom hejdar sig tiden ett slag och något alldeles oväntat sker
Världen förändrar sig varje dag men ibland blir den aldrig detsamma mer
-Alf Henriksson
The new tattoos

By the way, its snowing...again!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Great weekend
Been an awesome weekend with my best friend Wille, Happy to see that Budda isnt far away from keepin up in our speed. Two tattoos were done yesterday by Larsa, we are very happy and the icing on the cake was dinner at dads house with all kids besides Jossan Kossan.
Will show you pics of the tattoo in a while
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Familynight in Krokom
Watching tellie with his parents now and oh my god how you get really weird when you are married..Ok fine they arent married but they sure act like it.
Was fed with a great meal so I wont complain and the night will be spent in Willes bed with him..cozy.
Tattoo day tomorrow...cant be worse than the last one so Ill keep my hopes up
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Soulmate of fuckmate?
There is not such thing as a soulmate so you can stop looking. Though there is definitely something called fuckmate and dickpussymate.can you follow? What you should look after isnt the perfect match (menatal speaking) you should look for the perfect dick, I believe that god made us all with the perfect matching cock or pussy and when you find it you will see that it seems like your pussy is designed to fit his cock....Its amazing..so lesson for today screw soulmates and put all your effort to find the perfect soulcock
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Screw school and tests
Can it be any harder?
Dont think Im cut out for university studies...or maybe I should start taking it seriously and actually do study
before the tests..hahaha.
Well new test tomorrow and I will be a good girl and study for it tonight...and yes WITH wine...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
When do you cross the line?
Think it would be so much easier not knowing all you have to know when you are older, but hey thats me.
Who am I to talk?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
St Patricks day!
Will do my very best to do it the Irish way with the snow, the storm and my studentfriends.
Was just on the phone with Wille to plan what kinds of vegetables we are going to grow this summer and
he ordered corn, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, and some herbs then he said
Is that really the way you should treat your best friend? Cant wait until friday when Im going to visit him, look out Krokom we will go crazy and I will plan some new games for us to play. I wonder if he is too young to teach how to ring doorbells and then run and hide?
Test tomorrow and how do you prepare best? The usual way of course, wine and then do the test hungover.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Sleep after sex
Is there anything better than going to sleep after having sex? All realxed, tired and exhausted.
Top that with a soft bed, loads of pillows, thick covers, a hot guy by your side and two orgasms...
Cant get a better good night sleep, Thanks for last night!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Christer Sjögren, what a madman
Followed granny to the doctor today and had such a great time, drunks must be the funniest people alive.
Were sitting in the waitingroom where they had a tv and some morningshow on, then this famous swedish singer Christer Sjögren start singing an old Elvis Song. A drunk was sitting behind us and as soon as Christer start singing he goes.
-What the fuck, this is and old Elvis song! What the hell, he is destroying it! But then again he often does with all songs.hahahahaha Christer Sjögren what a fucking madman! Screw this Im going out for a smoke.
He comes back after a while and goes
-Haha Im back and Christer is gone haha, suck it!
Was a lot more fun live, Im sorry you missed itChrister
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Weekend all gone
How can two days be gone so fast? I tell you why, because you sleep trough the days.
Doctor tomorrow morning with granny and then hopefully Ill have some time and strenght to deal
with school.
Sunday evening will be spent in my new sofa under all the covers and Ill be watching Beck
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Schlager with the sister
The sister came over to watch it with me and she even brought wine, very nice and cozy
evening. She has a night out without kids and B, hope she will have a good time
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Look who´s crawling up my wall
When I did my crunches there was a BIG spider crawling around my feets, killed him with my waterbottle YECK!
By the way, I guess you need to be really high coming up with this incredible song. The Who is becoming my new passion I think; listen and enjoy!!!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
New tattoo
Having a bit of a hard time to choose though so Ill show you my ideas and then you can tell me what you think.

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
My new sofa has arrived

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Beer at McDonalds!
Oh my god, such a great idea and why havent anyone else thought about it?
The McDonald restaurant at Arlanda Airport will soon be able to provide pints for their customers.
Way to go Arlanda I just hope that the rest of all the McDonalds in Sweden will follow.
I mean imagine the afterparties you can have, grease food and beer at the same place AWESOME!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Kill the male nurse!
Started out just great, sun shining, loads of snow and a trip to the stable to ride the little hooligan.
Think i sat on him for about 10 sec when he decided to throw me off, damn horse! Got up again
and he did it again, got up a third time and this time he actually let me stay on his back.
Didnt even make it trough the door when the hospital called and told me that Olloll gone crazy.
They put her on the phone and all she said was -They are mad they are tryin to get me locked up
and they are all telling lies. So the nurses begd to come down there and collect her so I did.
Turnes out Olloll was just pissed off because of the stupid inhuman idiot to nurse, called Mikael.
His solution to that was to tell her that she could have som sobril! Well Olloll and I told him off
after taking control of the situation and then he left us on our own to get home! Fucking wanker!
Thank god for the amazin staff at the homeservices, they sure know how to take care of an old
angry and scared woman and her grandchild. We love you guys!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Choose to be happy!
Sometimes I wish I was stupid because then I wouldnt realize that it soon will be the end.
How do you cope with the fact that your best friend in the whole wide world soon might be dead?
I know she just broke her arm but Im not stupid I know she is getting there, she is 84 going on 85 its not like she is getting any younger.
And how the fuck do you deal with the fact that you have to be the stronger person? All I feel like doing is to cut myself, starve and then throw up. If I do though, Olloll will be worried about me and I do not want her to worry about anything but herself. How do you manage to stay strong for yourself and also stay strong for the ones who need you?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Go into hibernation
Too cold and too much to deal with during wintertime.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
The joy of having a better half
Well they have to wait until easter until they finally can be together again and I dont know how they will survive until then.

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Young and fresh meat!
To the question though, how young is too young? (over 15 of course, we dont want to go to jail)
Think that will be my new mission, find a hot, young man to learn a few lessons.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
embarrassed of being swedish?!
Klas Ljungberg is one of them and he is working at the embassy in Abu-Dhabi and he often send his thanks to the swedish taxpayers for letting him get drunk, go on yachttrips, have dinnerparties with a private chef and go to polo games on workhours. Fucking wanker
Think Ill drop out of social studies university and start working as a diplomat instead.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Damn it
she is in the hospital now. Had to wait five hours at the emergency room to get her the help she needed.
Dont like this getting old thing, Carsos birthday today and she doesnt like getting old either.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Bang Bang-my baby shot me down
Vi ska försöka återställa dina flikar och fönster vid omstart.
För att hjälpa oss att diagnostisera och lösa problemet kan du skicka oss en kraschrapport.
Vi är ledsna Tina har stött på problem och kraschat.
Vi ska försöka återställa dina känslor och ditt liv vid omstart.
För att hjälpa oss att diagnostisera och lösa problemet kan du skicka oss en kraschrapport.
Friday POP
Skinny Belgians
It´s not like they eat healthy. Everyone´s eating frenchfries with mayonaise and waffels everywhere.
Everything is fried even the hamburgers they frie the meat at the local fastfoodrestaurants.
And the supermarkets is filld with chocolate granola, chocolate filled breakfast bread, milk in so many flavours you can´t imagine, nutella in all forms, pastries and cookies in million variations.
For an example if I wanna buy one chocolate bar at the supermarket it´s not possible, because they are almost always sold in bigpacks so I have to buy 10 chocolate bars and save the remaining nine. And how easy is it to not eat them all at once?
Is it just me who can´t controll myself?
Thank god for my gene´s otherwise I would come rolling home after this semester!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Why you shouldnt let your dog have friends over

This is what Stig and Tindra managed to do last night
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Tindra is having a friend over
Tonight Carso has promised to arrange a playdate for them both while Stigs owner is at a party, so far so good.
Kind of hard to take a good picture of them though because they are never still!
Oh by the way the riding today went very well

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
To be allowed to go home for the funeral 18/3 the school need a certificate to prove that we are going to a funeral and not to Gröna lund or some other enjoyable happening. Wonder what Eveline Le Roy say when I mail her a pictur of the corpse of Nias beloved grandfather? Maby we should film the funeral and send a thank for the day off.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Care to be honest?
There are way to many people who cant stand up for themselves or their believes, dont understand
why its so scary to be honest and stand up for your words.
Shape up!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
D-day tomorrow
Carso will probably die tomorrow since she is going to start the work to break in a new horse. The action can be seen at Brynje around 10 tomorrow morning.
I think she is crazy, because this time it isnt a pony, its a real big one. Carso think she is crazy as well but then again she is always crazy so why change a winning concept?
This weekend though is going to be a party weekend, birthdayparty for Carso on Friday and Africanparty on Saturday.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Breda carnival
Well it was a amazing carneval people at all ages in funny costumes, beer everywhere, loud ompa music and a lot of confetti. The funny thing that i ment to tell you about was that all of a sudden I thougt I recognized a song, telling my self im going crazy, cant be true I never heard thees dutch ompa songs before. And then the song came to the chorus and I´m yelling Wunderbara upplåsbara Barbara. Every one in our company dropped their chins thinking Im crazy or something. I explained it´s a swedish Robert Broberg song, and they looked a bit awkwardly at me and I finnished my first beer in silence. And after a fev minuts I´m thinking oh no I must be insane I´ve heard this song before too, and I coulden´t help screaming lilla fröken fräken i från fryken. And now everyone want´s to take me to the emergency for a cat scan.
And I now decided to be quiet for a while.

Enjoy smoking

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Everyday is a birthday
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Add this mess to Carsos sore knee and you have a perfect situation for all of us.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Busy weekend
Pics will come for u to see the mess.
Learned that fat people cant be very picky with their fucks especially if they cant get it up, like the hunter
Xo Xo Debbie Doll