Is there a club??
Something that is weird though is that bouncers in Östersund seem to have a thing (or a club) for gettin women pregnant without havin a relation with them. Jo and myself have been datin two bouncers and both of them have three kids with three different women, what the fuck like, I mean whats the deal? Who is stupid enough to have kids with someone who obviously cant take his responsibility? The world is a weird place.....
By the way, last night we all got lucky
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Not much of a housewife
I packed my bags, and I realised I have too much clothes and shoes so I have to leave most of it at home and fuck it suck, I can´t bare to leave my lovely cowboyboots, 2 of my favorite jeans and a whole lot of sweaters behind- but I just have to be strong and do it. At least I know I can come back and work at Sollidenvägen this summer, and that´s a big relief, so I now know where I´ll be spending july-august in ÖSTERSUND.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Belgium here I come
But apparently it´s not allowed to be drunk all the time, people think you got serious problems then.
Nia haven´t been drunk in ages, last time at the good bye party in Östersund.
Oh sweet Östersund I miss you, reminds me I have to call my boss regarding the summer.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Can you do them all?
To get back to the subject of dating, how many can you date at the same time and can you sleep with them all as well?
As it look at the moment we have the hunter, two bouncers, the busdriver, the chef and the ex...Can you do them all?
Like I said Im lousy at datin but as it seems Im going to one tomorrow wish me luck and keep your finger cross.
By the way, Nia and Carso should not be apart, they are not happy or any fun when they arent together, cant even picture myself how these months are going to be.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
to date or not to date?
Why oh god why is it so hard to date...I dont think im made for dating. As soon as the guy calls and Im sober I wont date him and Im not interested in them either. When are you old enough to date and when does dating stop being awkward?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
How much sex is enough?
My last boyfriend got me into thinking that sex is not that important but hey he was wrong, he was the problem not the very best shag I´ve had and not very eager to learn either.
The down side though with havin a lot of sex is that you get kind of sore and after a while you might need to get a new fresh guy whom can cope
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Unwanted shower
I colored my hair this morning, dark mocka nr 30. A colour I really like for the moment, it looks like black but it´s not. When I colored my hair black it made my face look to pale so dark mocka nr 30 is just perfect. I had to hide my svenne looking roots, looks almost as bad as when a bottled blonde has forgotten to color her middle east roots. My hair is now the color I want. After my hair session I blowdried my hair and put all my hairproducts in to make the crazy look complete. I put my makeup on to try to hide my bad skin and dark circles under my eyes and jumped in to a outfit which almost hides my lovehandels. I felt kind of ready to face the day.
Then I heard the shower were dripping and the sound kind of freaks me out so I decided to get my big ass from the chair and make it shut up. Bad idea since I alwas pull the water tap in the wrong direction, and as usual the fucking shower sprayed me down with cold water.
So much work for nothing, right now im sitting here in my PJ:s with a cup o coffee without makeup and boring flat hair.
The anger is just building up inside of me and im planning a big fat revenge on the showerhose.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Out of practise-back on Friday
I´ve done it before and I´ll do it again, although I advice you unexperienced and underaged readers to not rely to heavily on this strategy since it easily backfires and you can become addicted.
This day will be dedicated to the lovely administrational tasks which always needs to be done it seems.
The Dagät era thought me to be organized so I made a checklist (Aivi and Ann-Marie would be proud):
Call Östersundsbostäder regarding February rent- CHECK
Mail Kortrijk school arriving date and time- CHECK
Write school assignment
Call my physician
Well since CSN can go fuck them selves im having another cup of coffe and a cigarette, and trying to write my school assignment.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Is it a new era?
As time goes by and Im gettin older Ive noticed something that cant be stoped..the guys I fuck gets older as well...
So that opens for the question "how old is too old and how young is too young"?
Think I hit somekind of limit last night, he said he was over 40 but he didnt look like it though so Im not sure.
Another thing Ive noticed is that men seem to have bigger cocks now than a few years ago, or have I just slept with the wrong men before?
Looks like its a new era, the older men with bigger cocks era
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
I lost my Pig-Bear, Kalle Banen took it from me. Annoying when little sister give you stuff when they´re small, and don´t rememeber that they gave it away and suddenly claim their stuff back. Like with my precious Pig-Bear who always been there warming up my bed in Östersund.
Farewell lovely Pig-Bear!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
I'm fucking tired and vice versa
I suffer from severe pain in my lower back- if you followed the blog before you would think it´s from shagging. But not this time, it´s all the reading fault.
-I'm fucking tired and vice versa.
Dorothy Parker

XoXo Debbie Doll
What to do on a friday?
Johanna and myself have already cleaned the flat and washed our clothes so will
we spend the rest of the night gettin drunk or will we do something else?
Its not that easy to get out of boredom, be continued
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
It must have been love
We went through moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
You supported me when i was in tears,
I supported you when you were in fear.
Its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
Though, miles away cant keep us apart
cause we´ll always be in each others heart
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
How stupid are you?
Did you think that i wouldnt find out or what?
Do not like this and you should now how to be honest.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
A real life Astronaut
I have just met a real life astronaut, awesome!
Richard M Linnehan astronaut of NASA came to campus and had a lecture about his trips to space and showed amazin pic of his walks up there. Im not that fond of space really but this guy even got me hooked, that movie he played from
his last trip to ISS was incredible.
Asked him if he was going to space again (he has done 4 trips) but like he said, I have spent 16 years of my life training for my trips and at some point you have to get a life. As we all can figure he is not married (what a shock) and single so I think B is hanging in the loose...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Its like a fucking flu
If you dont see them on the streets you hear about people just havin a baby or gettin knocked up, I dont get the fuss like! Sure they are cute and all but why oh god why do you all have to get them at he same time?
For us who only likes to borrow them, instead of gettin our own, it would be more fun if you could spread out a bit, like one baby every six to eight months or so. In that way we also increase the chances to have at least one kid in the best ages (2-3) at all time. ´To be honest babies arent that fun, they only sleep, eat and poo so the parents can keep them until they are about a year and a half then we´ll take them and teach them all we know about life and how to get by.
When they have turned four or five you can have them back and then we´ll take them again when they are teenagers. This time we´ll teach them all we know about gettin drunk, gettin stoned, gettin laid and gettin a good education.
These are the only two kids that I actually do love

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
boring and bored
I just found out that Im probably the most boring person ever, I have no life and no friends.
Think Ill have to fix this..So startin tomorrow I will get a life, some friends and become a fun person again
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Longt time no seen
Had to help Nia pack up her stuff, help Carso study for a test and at last make sure to be very
drunk and have loads of sex all weekend but now Im back!
Started a new course today and I do not like the teacher..he is scary very scary
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Study technique
be really hungover when you do your test ..It works excellent!
Pack party at Nias house tonight
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Where are the african girls?
Johanna and myself moved to Carsos last night which is very nice besides the fact that we are all very sick.
Hope evereyone gets better until Friday when we are havin Nias goodbye party.
Carso is a sponsor for two Sout African girls, Lollo and Yolanda, but somehow they got lost.
They were supposed to meet up at Campus at lunch bot no Africans and we still havent found them.
Gettin kind of worried since they dont know their way around here and dont have the clothes to be out
in the snow...Well, We´ll probably have to go out and look for them.
If anyone finds them please let us know.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
With A Little Help From My Friends

Back In Östersund, had the nicest time this Saturday with Linda, Carso, Nia and a bit Tobbe.
Wine, singstar and a lot of madness as usual.
Johanna is back, she arrived on Sunday night, and has been my and Nias roommate we just love it.
Too bad were in the middle of movingout and that we caught us a cold.
Nia coulden´t even go to school yesterday on the afternoon so she has to do a complementary essay, and how the fuck is she going to have the time and strenght?
Too much going on right now, just wanna sleep but don´t have time for such luxuries right now.
Motto of my life: No rest for the wicked!
Thank God for my sweeties!
What would you think if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not o sing out of key
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
What do I do when my love is away
Does it worry you to be alone?
How do I feel by the end of the day
Are you sad because you're on your own
No, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
-Sham 69
The girls are back on tour
To celebrate this we are gonna do what we do best, get drunk! The best part though is that we
will have Linda as company (Karin is locked up at home with the hubbie) So the girls are back on tour
Screw depression and rock on!

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Screw sleep
Why why why are you doin this to me?? What have I done to deserve this shit?
I dont think its too much to ask to be allowed to sleep a whole night for once.
Dont like to get screwed like this because then I dont know if I should take the
pills or not...tonight I didnt and look what happen.
You are now on my destroy list and believe me I will not show any fucking mercy!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Whats cooking good looking??
Was talking to our sidekick today (Wille) and 2morrow he is taking the blue train to Undersåker, asked him if he shouldnt take the sleepy train but no, its the blue train, might be the red train but its sure as hell not the sleepy train!
As we all know Nia and Carso are smokers and today Carso said something about her quit smoking, we keep our fingers cross but if you ask me..we have heard that before so do not get too excited.
Ok night night, big day tomorrow, Nia and Carso are seeing each other again and Rolf (Carsos cat) is going to be
murdered by the hunter.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Pee on order
demand. Im always gettin seized with dread and worry about not being able to preform enough pee to make
the nurse happy. So of course I couldnt, couldnt even spit out one tiny little drop and the nurse looked at me as if a was totally useless. She asked me in front of all the other patiens how hard it should be to pee just a little, well apparently hard enough.
Asked her if I could go and drink some water and come back, sure you can but dont forget that we are closed for
lunch at 12 o clock. That could have been something said to be nice so I wouldnt loose track of time BUT it was only 9 o clock in the morning, she laughed and dissapered....BITCH!
After drinking about a litre of water I could finally give her like 5 drops of pee and the bitch was happy, oh good girl that wasnt too hard was it? Fuck off and pee yourself
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
How are u supposed to cope?
stop working when they arent together.
Soon though they are gonna be apart for months...dont even wanna think about how that is gonna be.
Carso had plans to go and visit Wille tomorrow but because of her school she sucks and is
always in the way for having fun
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Public transportation
Nia is not a big fan of train´s right now, or her self.
Looks like were not coming to ösund on saturday after all since Nia the stupid cow lost our tickets...
Cross your fingers that we can fix this shit...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
The world comes tumbling down
Nia´s moving to Belgium, and im becoming a moving around-divorce doll.
One last week remains in Östersund with my whole biological family gathered, sad but true. Five moths in Belgium, it´s o´so scary to think about how big the world is, and how many places I got in my heart. So much to miss, so many people to long for, so much pain. Well dramaqueen shut up, it will all turn out alright as it always does.
Done the leaving behind thingy before and it turned out more then fine.
Rootless as always...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
I had to figure out if a wanted to sleep with the french guy or nor, but you bothered me so I never got the chance to screw him
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
What happen to love?
It seems like havin kids is easier than to promise your better half to stay together in better and for worse.
Dont get me wrong here I dont think you should stay together for the kids but its very fuckin easy for
men to have kids, houses and morgage...What about the mom who has to stay at home, minding the kids, taking care of the household and run the everyday life. We are in fact living in the year of 2009 and men do know how to take
care of all these things as well....and how hard is it go out and buy a fucking ring?
Im mad, really really mad and I just hope that the woman in this case knows that we are all there for her.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Getting on my nerves
And this bugs me, Im soon going nuts here, early mornings and late nights she´s yelling 24/7. And I can't even tell her in my nicest language to please be quiet for a while so I can sleep or focus on my homework.
If I as much as open my mouth about it, or have any other complaints I get kicked out of the house.
And trust me, it´s happened many times before.
So for the rest of the evening im laying low, shutting up and trying to bottle up all my negative feelings
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Back in Silvercity
Well this is a pic from new year at Jullan and Magnus, a rather tidy gathering except for the fact that we partied til 15.00 the day after. I think I speak for us all when I thank God we did'nt get beat up this new years eve!

Moa, Vulgo, Nia and me.
Well the last night in Stockholm ended in chaos but what do you expect when it comes to Vulgo and Nia?
But thats another story which shouldent be told here.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Edit on the advice
Some of you might think that instead of using black tar heroin, easier drugs could be ok, well they are not (depends what u`re using though) What can happen is that you feel like tryin a bit of smoke but you dont know what the junkies are giving you so it can be whatever shit. This could easily turn into you gettin all paranoid and believe that the stopsigns are fallowing you. I know it sounds kind of fun but believe me....its not.
So be sure what you are using before you are using it
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
An advice
see why...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
A new star is born
and accordion player.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Hot crazy mama
When I picture female killers I always picture them as ugly and in desperate need to get laid.
Its kind of obvious that a sexfree life can make the best one crazy and willing to murder.
So if you cant get a normal man you can always turn to the alcholics and the junkies they will screw
you anyway. The problem though is that you often start using yourself and that as well can make
you crazy. In Sweden we have six women in prison for life, two of them are immigrants and the rest
are born and raised in Sweden. These women are all suffering from severe alcohol and drug addictions
and are very very ugly so my theory seem to be correct. The question though is, are they all victims of
the life their men created for them? They have all murdered their husbands and in all the six cases
drugs have been a keyword. So my advice is if you are ugly and cant get laíd be very careful with the
men you date, you might end up killing them and be Swedens seventh woman sent to lifetime.
Cecilia Modig, stabbed her husband to death and then slept with him.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Happy new year
and Singsjön with Carso. Thank good the holidays are all done now but its been real good.
Carso spent new years eve on a snowmobile with loads of people and had a reunion with the hunter, brole another
bed shagging...The hunter is not that small u know..=)
Have a lot of caching up to do so Ill show Carsos new year with pics instead.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll