Feeling bulimic
to throw up after eating or when you are anxiety-ridden but its the worst thing ever when you have a gastric catarrh?
Guess its all about the control.

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Im in love
I can hereby tell you all that I am in love and cant wait to get this man into bed. I bet he is the best shag ever.
Have u ever seen a more gorgeous man?

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Just woke up...
Hard to understand how much snow there is in Sweden right now, how is Carso and little Shark gonna make it. They must be drowning in all that snow.
I really need a shower now, but they are all taken. Don´t wanna show up at Tequila girl´s all smelly and stuff.
And Mikaela don´t worry girl, Nia is getting really good at taking care of her self and is amazingly careful now a days.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Upon request
I know its hard for you outside Östersund and Sweden to realize how much snow it can be in one place but I will now show you some pics of the mess.
The shark is a very smart dog, he has been hiding under the covers all day. The snow is too deep, too cold and its fucking everywhere not the best situation for someone that small hahaha
By the way, you can have very good sex on painkillers, beer and the ex boyfriends wonderful cock, not that I have tried it I have just heard about it.....Try to get into this house
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Ive got a rat
Dont know whats so hard to understand about me being invalidos, but somehow Ive got myself a little rat today, no sorry a little dog. The shark (name of the dog) is in the middle of a divorce situation so he has moved in with me, dont get fooled by the name though, he is tiny. After a few fights about whos in charge we are finally friends and Im kind of startin to like the little rat...dog.
This dog is like kids, they are cute when they are a sleep and when they do, they are fuckin cute.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Tomorrow were having a potluck supper so I need some rest.

Nia, Dorina and Ana (pic from Outi)
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Wanna screw your car?
seriously, how the hell does mankind work, or not work?
At night when they thought the cameracrew was sleepin they went out to their cars and jerked off on them...haha jesus christ the world is going down.
One of the men he felt sorry for his car if he just shagged her so he always kissed and stroked her before doing her....wow its amazing he must be such a good guy and im sure his car is really thankful to him for not using her. (!!)
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
No wonder kids dont eat
Was babysitting Carsos sisters kids today. Took Budda on a stroll down town Krokom and had coffee with the locals very nice day until we collected Wille from cresche and got stuck in a very deep snowhole and couldnt get up.
Eventually after diggin myself out we took the sled down the hill, awesome!
To all of ya parents whom are wondering why your kids dont eat, try their food and you will see why. Its fucking disgusting no wonder they wont eat it. Gave the kids icecram instead, that they ate hahaha
Exsex is good we like it a lot all of us
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Is 50 the new 15?
And parents call us alcoholics and sexaddicts!!!???
Im sure, 50 is absolutly the new 15. I suppose its the age thing that freaks them out, although its kind of pathetic
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Outi and Riika has been ill so it is a big possibillity...
Fuck I have to help her with the laundry, so off to the city. Hate this shit, but Nia hates it even more. She tried to make me do all laundry by my self, she threaten me, said that I wasnt welcome on the midterm tripp if I didn´t obey.
But luckily I have some dirt on her, moahahaha
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Midterm tripp
So on monday we go to Breda in the morning, afternoon its Utrecht and spend the night in Amsterdam and the entire second day will be spent there also.
The third day are we going to La Haya and the afternoon to Rotterdam.
The last day will be spent in Luxembourogh.
Looking forward, gonna be a hard couple of days, but as long Nia and I get som coffeine and cigaretts we´ll be fine.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Im bored so so so bored please shoot me.
The buzz from the painkillers isnt enough to amuse me anymore so I have nothing to do besides
watching tv and movies and that is boring as well now.
Please entertain me
PS Got a new love, Tommy Johnson, basketplayer gosh he is hot
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Did I do the exam?
My head was spinning around, couldnt focus and Im sure the examguard thought I was drunk (couldnt talk properly) Now I dont really remember what I wrote and if I was writing about the correct subject.
Well its done and I can look forward to a weekend without any schoolwork.
Basketball tonigh, will try to pull the hot center
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
High on painkillers
Been studying on painkillers and that is not easy, trust me. Been writing like one word every 5th minute...my brain is not working what so ever. Really worried about the test tomorrow, will be interesting though to se what kind of crap Ill write hahaha. Em, D and O have been laughin their asses off over me, Im acting all drunk and weird and couldnt focus at all on the book we where supposed to read. Thanks girls for your help, couldnt have done it without you
Wish me luck on the exam tomorrow
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Romance at the hospital
Surgery day turned out to be a very sexy and stoned day, not too bad at all.
Started out with the sexy anaesthetist, whom gave me morphine in the drain, can easily understand
why people get hooked on that drug, its wonderful.
Then I got to meet the surgeon, very hot and very nice I think though that Ive had sex with him. Recognize him from somewhere and I think its from a drunken night out.
Had a good sleep and a good surgery and no pain in my knee, could be because of the drugs though.
Got this cute male nurce taking care of me and I think he was tryin to pull, he was really friendly and
wanted to hold my hand the entire time. When I had been tripping enough it was time to go home so I asked for
a present since I had been such a good girl without my mum and all, got a little dog.
Dont know what he was thinking though when he was putting on my band-aid, he wanted to put on a white one, I of course said no to that and wanted a coloured one. Then he tried to put a red one on, but hey I was wearing a pink shirt so that didnt match so I had him looking for a purple one and voila I got my wish.
Well, have to go Em and myself are going to pimp my crutches some more.My cute purple band-aid
Pimped crutch
One sore and swollen knee
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Fablesse for Cherry
For you who wonder, Carso survived the surgery. Hoping for a update later from her. Nor I have to run to the bus and go to fucking cityhall!

City hall
Nia and I are thinking of Carso who´s going thru surgery today. Hope everything goes well.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Adventures in Kortrijk
After the last exam we went to the city, me, Nia, Outi and Riikka. Nia found this really hot leather jacket- real leather no fake here, it was under €80 like a real bargain. Then we found this great shop, like HM but with the prices HM used to have before they went all success and international, a shop to die for and you don´t have to worry about the syndrome you know-"every one in Sweden are gonna have the same clothes as I". Nia found this mega ugly sunshines, disgusting green with sparkles it´s like handen in handsken.
But the best part, we went to this pub- den Trapp. And a fucking handen in handsken place. Rock ´n roll, great music, interior and people, and not only did Nia (ofcourse) love it even I did, and the two finnish girls said this is the place to be.So den Trapp is the scheisse!
And amazing thing, the toilets was as it should be scribbled with band names etc. And some people had scribbled the name " DIE TOTEN HOSEN- as you people who attended to the october fest have to remember. EIN KLEINE JÄGERMEISTER......
(I apologize for the caps lock writing im a bit drunk)
Xo Xo Debbie Trappen Dol
Dinner at Ollolls
Paid her bills and had a good time as usual.
The girls are going out tonight but I cant join them since I have to get up at 6 am for the fucking surgery, still havent figured out how Ill be able to study and do my exam on friday. Will probably be trippin on painkillers and write the most weird exam ever, hope it will at least have something to do with the subject haha. Well if I fail Ill have to do it again and that I dont want but as we say in Sweden: Den dagen den sorgen!
Keep your fingers cross for me tomorrow morning
XoXo Debbie Doll
60 questions done
I wish! Well Carso has done a few of them and is struggeling with the rest of them. Have to say that I couldnt care less about Comte, Durkheim and Webers theories they all suck
Tomorrow is surgery day, Carso has to get her knee fixed and hopefully we are talking two surgeries but if not there will be another one as well...Im tellin you guys Twister is dangerous and I was sober!
Thought I was doin the ex tonight but no..
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
First part done...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Getting lucky!?
What is luck and how do you get lucky? Is sex the only way to get lucky or can you in fact get lucky just by living yout life?
I doubt it, you can try so hard to get a life and be happy and satisfied but are we just fooling ourselves?
Maybe it isnt such a thing as being lucky or getting lucky maybe its just our a way to excuse our choices of life?
Either by having loads of sex and orgasms or by telling yourself you are happy with yourself and your life.
I dont know and frankly my dear I dont give a damn
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Baby think twice
A very good advise since its not all good to be the one tellin the true...
You know when you are trying to play it doubble its not very good if they all can see what you are doing, thinking and feeling. Its also not very good if they get things the wrong way, but hey thats life sometimes you will always bee the one playin and doin things the wrong way. Guess my parents gave up on me, cant blame them I have also given up on me´, at least the idea of me getting serious.
Today though I would like to send a very big thank you to the ex and I would also like to send a very big
kick on the cock to the lovely teacher A..
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Remember this old guy?

When Nia and Mallan went down to the cellar to drag in the old christmastree (the day befor christmas ofcourse) they found this dude. Does enyone remember Furbee? Mallan got him on her birthday ages ago when Nia and Mallan were little kids. Hi´s still functioning, talking toddlers language and dances around.
Funny old guy, but annoying after a while, thank god he has a off button, why doesen´t everyone have thoose?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Valintine´s day in Paris
Here comes some picture:

-The thinker by Rodin -Moulin rouge, the place to be

-Eiffel tower -Sacreceur

-Louvren (jealous Vulgo?) -Notre Dame

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
A drunken night at the dorm
When Nia lived in Sweden she lived in a studentapartment (tiny and worn out) but it wasnt a real dorm and now Johanna is living in a real student dorm. So thats where we are all hanging now since Emelie and Liisa are back in town havin drunken nights with waterpipes and breakdancing.
Jo and myself are doin a study to see if you can say anything about peoples nationalities just by having sex with them, Jo is really good at this and managed to take two more countries down this weekend. We are doing pretty good though and have about 10 countries on our list so far, the thing is tough that we have decided to screw at least two people from each country to get a good picture like...well Ill keep u posted.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Trying to plan a trip
Should have planned this trip earlier, hard to fin cheap tickets now. But were thinking of renting the schools bus and drive around in Holland or Germany. I don´t really care where we go, as long as we go somewhere. And party as hell.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Different shades of grey
Maby Paris will do it, a grey Paris on Valentines day, all alone.
I never cared about valentines day, why do I feel so depressed now?
Everything thats worth mentioning about valentines day and friday the thirteenth has already been said.
So lets get a smoke and hope for better times.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll

My cigarettes has been invaded by a lawnmowing man!
Do they wanna warn me about getting burned out?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Does Nia look weird?
I wonder, do they think Nia has ugly hair or what?
But who cares, aslong as Nia likes her hairstyle its cool.
Now I gonna read Carolina Gynnings blog and have a smoke...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Things I do to feel like a Swede
But I figured out a way to feel like a Swede for a bit:
Hanging on msn, or write a textmessage home.
I beg my two finnish girls to try to say a sentence in swedish (apparentley the have to learn swedish in Finland).
I listen to swedish punk for a while and sing (yell) my lungs out.
I snuggle a bit in my IKEA beddings.
I read Aftonbladet online.
It kinda helping me to not feel so confused. So if you are in the same boat as me, try my tricks I promise it will help! Anyone have more tips?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
This is my breakfast/lunch

Last nigt was a lot of fun, a lot of people and a lot of drinking. Finally I got the right beer at the supermarket. So I drank cherrybeer all night. And to night theres a nother party. Seems like we dont have any other intrests here at katho then being drunk, suits me well I have to admit.
Me and Aina the tequlia girl are planning to take a trip during mid-term break hope more people will join us, gonna be a lot of fun! Heres som pics from last night:

-sweet -Russian girl Tanja (neighbour)

-The two guys are also neighbour -People
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Housewarming party
Maby I shall buy some corona beers, or maby not since they taste like pee....
Gonna try to take it easy with the alcohol since we have class at 9am tomorrow.
But dont think im gonna manage that, im always failing to drink carefull.
Have to look for a mailbox today, wrote three letters yesterday to grandpa, grandma and Olloll Rutan.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Cuz im going to Netherlands
Its a intensive programme: A better tomorrow in apeldoorn-netherlands.
Its gonna be students and professors attending from Lithuania, Poland, Finland among others. We are gonna discuss citizenship, social cohesion and glocalism. Such an oppurtunity AND ITS FOR FREE!!
Only bad thing is that its from 30/3 til 10/4 and Johanna and Emelie are coming to Kortrijk 9/4. But it will work out I hope.
And another great thing is the creative expression course will be held in a Belgian city or village i dont know anyway its called Destelheide during 4 days.
Im gonna see a lot of the world during my 5 months as a erasmus student!
Damn snow!
Cant look outside my windows because of the snow, cant open my door because of the snow, cant cross the street because of the snow....enough is enough!
By the way, leavin a two year old babysittin for a 24 year old is not a very good idea
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Can´t help myself

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
A walk around Kortrij

-I could live here

-De Corona, suiteble name for our house

-The entire house can here you take a dump, good luck rectum

-Not a nice shower if youre klaustrophobic

Yeah as you see it´s all white and grey. Kind of depressing, feels like a hospital...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
And fuck my corridor friends who took my toiletpaper and didn´t bring any new. But I was lucky because I saw it in time, no harm then.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
A drunk night and België wafel
Today me Outi and Riikka went to a mall outside Kortrijk to wistit my beloved HM, but it was a big dissapointment. They just had the ugly old persons clothes. But I did find a skull belt and a superhero t shirt at another store for just 15 euro althogether.
The greatest thing though- we tasted Belgian waffles, and it was delicious. I´ve always thought they must be overrated, but NO! They are just as good as people says, if not better!

-Christmas beer tree -Ana and Tequila girl

-Lovely waffle
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
I thought it was cherry
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Finally weekend
Peace out Debbie Doll
Update on Kortrijk
When I arrived in Kortrijk a man from the school named Jean-Paul picked me up, drove me around the town a bit and showed me the school. And he also took me and three other girls for a tour in the city and bought us some beers and gave us a ride home. Such a gentle man.
On saturday there were a party in big brother house, nice but not that exciting. Pretty lame drinkers but I´ll teach them.
Atleast the two finnish girls Outi and Riikka knows how to party! Nordic girls are born with a partyhat on it seems.
Yeah well now I have to learn how to count in Dutch....

Debbie Doll and Jean-Paul

Outi, Debbie Doll and Riikka
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
There are some really big and tall black american guys and if black guys are as well equipt as its said, imagine the size of their basketball dicks!
Poor swedish 20 something guys whom have to take a shower with them, guess they will have scars for life
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
xo xo Debbie Doll
Im so so bored, have nothing to do besides studying and that I dont like so I wont do it.
Thank good for Therese who left all of her DVDs for me to watch
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Too busy again
Think Ill have to take it easy for a while now, this week might have been some kind
of record...think it ended up with four people before Sunday.
Wasnt the only one though..haha say it with a K
Xo Xo Debbie Doll