Scandal beauties
One small advice to all of you wonderful not party with The cow, K and Carso..they are wild and crazy.
Tonight they decided to attend a party at Js house....well they got drunk sent a few a texts to their parents and got even more drunk....Think Carso and The cow are orphans haha...well what to do they have each other
Plan for tomorrow is to get drunk and get new tattoos
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Apeldoorn has action
xo xo Debbie Doll
My mind play's tricks on me
And then I feel I need coffe, and then my brain tells me that I deserve a snus in peace without homework. And a snus under my lip stays there for like half an hour and during that time I found something new I just have to do before getting started. And then it's time for another snus, it's like a long vicious spiral deceiving me every time. And no haven't learned the lesson.
This time I checked out Alex Schulmans blog. He had published a few parts of his new book "skynda att älska" (badly translated-Hurry to love). I read that Alex have a trick for not breaking down visiting his fathers grave like solving math problems in his head, repeating the alphabet backwards or tries to remember old songs from when he was a kid. And it works for him.
I have a different strategy for not breking down which I used at both my grandfathers funerals. I repeat every dirty world I can think of in my head, and I can promise that it is dirty as hell problably as dirty as it gets. I also curse both God (im not religious only sometimes) and my grandfathers for leaving me.
And then I feel a bit ashamed for not thinking of all the beutiful times we spent togheter and all thoose clichè stuff "normal" people say they do. Then it's time going to the coffin for a last good bye, rest in peace and putting a rose upon the creepy coofin with a dead corpse inside. That's the part where my brain just explode with bizzare swearwords made up by my self.
So that's how some people handle strong emotions. Feels good knowing im not the only one with a strange strategy cooping with sorrow. I do think my way of doing it beats the crap out of Alex Schulman!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
New competition
So to celebrate Ks new life we decided to start a competition...Simple rules you pic someone you would like to shag
but has to be a good challenge to get the person in bed so you cant just pic anyone. Then you have two months to suceed...easy right?
K is going to sleep with one of her interns who has two kids and I guess a mum to the kids but we dont know yet.
I will try to get my physiotherapist in bed preferably at his work (extra points)
This is not very political correct and people with moral and conscience should not attend.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Feeling crap
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
What we are all doin right now is homeexams or the final article for university degrees and somehow all the teacher involved are absurd in every way they can possible be. No wonder we drink as much as we do how else would we cope with all this shit?
Im sure that Nia and Carso once have their degrees they will be good to go to rehab
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
No discipline
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
No pain no gain
Im oh so sore from working out and Im tellin you Im sure I would gain just as much muscles even if my body didnt scream of all the pain. Anyone whom voluntarily will give me a massage?
Oh by the way, there are a twincopule at my gym and they are dressing identical every single day. Couldnt help myself this morning had to see if they have identical underwear as well, took my chance while they were working the machines....and yes they are weird isnt that? and its not like they are young Id say they are senior citizens. Couldnt see ány rings on their fingers so I guess they are two maids in desperate need to get fucked.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Raindrops keep fallin on my head
Im cuddled up on the sofa with a cup of coffee my computer, trying to study and watch the rain drip on the windowsill.
Weekend was spent mostly in the stable, have to practise for my comeback to showjumping. Only tre weeks left until Ill attend this competition and myself and my horse will sure be fit enough to succeed...I hope.
Well guess I should go back to studying...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Thursday night
Didnt have time to catch up of course but will do as soon as we can. Miss our wild and crazy nights in bars and in yellow houses..
Ok so far so good..Dont know the deal between me, J and bouncers of some reason we apparently just have to shag them is it their "uniform" or the fact that they probably have shaged the entire city??!
Met the artist again scary since Carso and Nia have a very questionable past with this guy and we had the most surreal afterparty with F and her friend S. He really is psychotic, F took him out for a wrestling game and he also spent pretty much the whole night drawing procupines....He is hot though and with this amazing body so he did stay the night....once again I think we can count the days until Im homeless.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Sun against your skin
I love spring
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Mr Alexandra
Sweden has a very infamous child molester called "The Alexandra man" thats what he called himself online tryin to pull.
He is in jail now for 10 yrs or so and tv did an interview with him a few months ago and please, all of you with kids sit down when you read this. Mr Alexandra was kind enough to give us his explanations and argument about the case and why he is innocent.
- I did buy sex but I dont check for ID when I shag someone they all looked old enough (the girls were 13-18 Mr Alexandra is over 30)
- I dont need to rape anyone I get more girls than I can handle, I mean look at me Im good looking
- What this interview should focus on is how bad we sexoffenders are treated in jail. I dont get visits, I dont get to study at college, the library isnt open every day and I can only go for a walk one hour a day.
- I would like to tell the parents of these girls Im supposed to have molested, have a good talk with your kids! I dont think its cool when 13 year olds are selling their bodies because thats what they did I never raped them
- Of course the girls are telling lies, If you got caught by your parents selling sex Im pretty sure you are embarrassed enough to say anything to get out of trouble.
I rest my case here, Mr Alexandra was convicted for child molesting or rape for over 40 girls!!!! Yeah Im sure they were all selling their bodies....Since he is convicted I will publish his picture and name. Atheer Al Suhairy
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Still not homeless
Had a chat and a smoke with the only neighbour whom does like me and he sure qualify for a dirty old man.
He is a senior now but in his working days he was a teacher and from what Ive heard a very competent one.
What Ive also have heard is that he used to sleep with his students and I cant say Im surprised, he still kind of a player but nowdays his shags arent that much younger than him. Like I said this neighbour is the only one whom really likes me in the house and he sometimes join me for a pint and a chat. Thank god for him and he is also the one one whom tells me all about whats going on with the Jehovas and when have to stay low for a while
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Its a very fine line between doing good and doing bad and Im pretty sure Ill cross that line tonight
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Im awesome
The only problem though is that this incredible annoying woman is working out at the same gym and she kept talking and talking and talking and talking....She is like the scary gymstalker
Doin the laundry now and are following the schedule..Will get a star in the book if I can keep this up
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
It wasnt me
My building career is now over my project is done and as we like to call it Klart och betalt very very proud of myself
and it actually looks like the sofa its supposed to be.
Will try to get to the gym tomorrow again...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Why would u?
We all know that relationships complicate every way u can imagine. Dont get me wrong I do wish to meet the love of my life and fall in love BUT relationships might be the most stupid thing we ever came up with!
The idea of being with the same person and love him or her for the rest of your life is sweet but its like religion it doesnt work in real life. Whats more stupid is the idea of sleeping with your ex but its oh so good and I have to admit that Im craving for M:s body. So to cut down to the real thing, why would u even bother`?
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
The weekends are too short
A broken window, a broken E and a broken sofa whom will not be broken so much longer.
Counting the days until I will be homeless..good enough though that I can start counting down the neighbours they are fallin of one at the time.
Im supposed to go to the gym tomorrow morning, and Im planning to do it but after 25 years I kind of know that I cant trust myself in matter what Im doin there...=)
So its a very good chance that I wont get be continued
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Building is fun
a social worker and become a builder instead its seems kind of nice
Guys from Norway are not to be trusted but I did get my revenge
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Erasmus orgasmus

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Inmature man..mature sex?
Is it really possible to be awkward in your everyday life and be so confident and breathtaking in bed?
I guess so but it was weird, its like fucking a with the clothes and there you have him.
Well I shouldnt complain it was good sex and that we like but it really got me thinking
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Can you not love these two?

I love you guys you are the most perfect kids in the world
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Easter with our sidekick

Wille and reindeerpoo

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
A new study technique
Honestly it worked out well and it was really nice to have the weekend off without worrying about
school. Think Ill might try it again but on the other hand it kind of took the excitement out of it.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Pics from Carsos builder career

Well here you go, Carso and Ain are awesome arent they
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Blog breakdown
Well Im back now will put out some pics from the weekend and from my career as a builder
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Went to Utrecht's equivalent to situation stockholm, the guy who showed us around tol us he havent done or even seen drugs since he got out from prison. Yeah right stoned as hell even our teachers reacted, thats netherlands.
They even had a special building where people could take cocaine leagally, but only there. Sickness!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Debbie Doll the builder
Will put out some pics as soon as I can get a way from this stuuuupid exam
XO Xo Debbie Doll
Apparently in Germany they do a thing called the KKK every morning- kaffe,kippe und kacken.
Meaning, coffee, cigg and shitting. Laughed my arse of, it's the best recipie for people needing laxatives-trust me I know. Damn those funny germans!
And I also learned that marlbouro was grounded by kkk members in america, and if you fold the package right you get the whitecap used by kkk members. Funny fact isn't it. You can really see the amazing possibilities with the cigarette package can't you. And of course I have to add a Ramones song for the occasion.

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Everyone is dying
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Soooo so tired of being smart
J the cow came over so we had a real nice sisterevening and yes mum we got fucking hammered =)
Xo Xo Debbie Doll