The christmasfood is longe gone, and on the table daddies falusausage is waiting to get eaten. It´s kind of sad that it´s over but at the same time it´s comfortable not to have to be nice and happy all the time. Both me, Nia and Carso suck att living happily ever after life...
Hello grey everyday life, but not for long!
Tomorrow Stockholm has to watch out, because Nia, Debbie and Vulgo is having a reunion!
I only wish Carso would join us, maby next time...
Gentle Gene it´s gonna be crazy!
Busy Busy Busy
One thing about x-mas though is that its very very tiring, so much to do and so little time so I kind of like that I can go back into my cave and relax for a few days now until next madness starts...newyear.
Ni is back in silver city and as far as I know she had a good old x-mas as well

XO XO Debbie Doll
The tiny X-mas at Carso
Ill tell you one thing and that is that you should not be a part of Carsos family, its hard...fucking hard but we did have a very nice small x-mas eve tonight. Carsos dad, his bitch, her sister with B and all the kids and Jossan Kossan...Wille loved his presents and Carso will sleep in the same bed as him tonight to get all the cozy godfeeling.
Will show u pics tomorrow but right now Ill have to entertain Jossan Kossan and Carso
XO XO Debbie Doll
We love the irish guys
and In Ireland she met the best friends ever and they still keep in touch with her, they are the best guys ever!
Tonight five of them called to wish her a merry x-mas!
You have already heard some about Alan, today tough it is all about all of them Vincent, Gino, Alan, Sergio and Sean and how great they are, coz Carso thinks they are the best guys ever!
Ok So we know that Ireland was mad, and probably not the best place for Carso to be, if you ask her parents but we dont, so it was the best place ever to be for Carso. We also love the irish guys for thinking that Carso should be in playboy because she (according to them) has a very sexy body and she do thank them for the sex in Ireland.....if she did have sex with them?!! hahaha. Two of the guys just became fathers, Sergio and Alan, and we are sure they will be the best fathers ever and If they dont Nia and Carso are waiting for you haha...;)
Ok so to be serious, If we are lucky Sean and Alan are on their way over here to learn how to go snowboarding and how to ride the snowmobile....Carso are keepin her fingers cross because she really want them to come, in one way or another!
some pics of the lovely irish guys

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
alcoholics, smokers and sinners. I know they are right but hey, they believe in god so they should be
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
what happen to x-mas break?
Dont you ever attend university and keep all your friends away from this horrible place. Just found out that Nia and Carso have to study over x-mas, they both have exams to do...over fucking x-mas!!!!
Well did your dear little Debbie Doll ever cross your mind? Whom am I supposed to spend x-mas with?
Im gonna be all alone without any friends or presents, thought for a minute that maybe Carso would spend it with me since the men in her family doesnt like her but no.
This may cost me a relapse Im just warning you girls! What else is there for me to do other besides getting drunk and starve???
Is Santa childfriendly?
Kids around the world are waiting for Santa and the presents he will bring them, well not the socially excluded ones.
I think that this Santa person is a very very strange and dangerous guy. He is flyin in the sky with reindeers whom have names and can talk...I mean we clearly have another case here with a person tripping on acid who are supposed to be suitable for kids. Seriosly?!
Then when you tell the kids that santa doesnt exist (to prevent future druguse among children) you are the bad person, how come?
Was watching tv the other night when santa was on telling the world how much he likes his beer...I rest my case.
Parents if you think santa is a good rolemodel for your kids well so be it. But dont blame the kids when they get alcohol and drugproblems later on, or when they are trying to fly on a reindeer and jump down the chimney.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Farmer goes wifehunting
If you are a farmer and cant get laid you can join a swedish show called Farmer seeks wife. Its open for all no matter how weird, stupid, ugly, quiet, awkward and shy you are you will get laid anyway and if you are really really lucky you will get married, tv will pay.
They will also pay for a vacation and your divorce!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
In severe pain!
Now and then or more like twenty times a day Carsos knee breaks down and so it did this time as well, only this time it wont get better. So Carso is now jumpin around the apartment on crutches, really boring and she also refuses to see a doctor too boring to wait at the ER she says. Will see tomorrow when she is going to jump her way to school if she thinks it might be worth a visit at the doctor.
X-mas is coming up and Ill tell you later about this silly man called santa.
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
shoe shopping
Today we wen´t to Wedins at their sale. And all we saw was these women and girls draging around the store, trying out and buying shoes. UGLY shoes, it´s a wonder the shoe -salesmen even sell the kind of shoes these women and girls are buying, it´s like gypzy or turkish summer collection shoes. Offcourse the shoes looks like crap, but the one good thing is that we can find shoes in our pigmy size since they only have like one pair in store when it comes to haveing small sizes. And the women and girls with bad shoe -taste leaves theese pigmy sized shoes, a.k.a hot shoes alone. And thank god for that!
It was worth the effort with the caos, and long queue´s since Carso bought two pairs of boots for 500 swedish kronor: originally 2000 swedish kronor. And Nia got a pair pf hot boots for 300 swedish kronor: they used to cost 1200 swedish kronor.
So "summa sumarum" Nia and Carso earned 2400 swedish kronor and thats a big bargin in this recession!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Two mile gate at night time
Will tell you about when Vinnie let Carso wreck his car and get him drunk another time, this is about Alan (upon his own request)
Alan is a former gangster from the dark and dangerous streets of Belfast, you know where they are fighting over god like they do in the rest of the world as well. The Irish lads arent as boring as the middle east guys so to spice things up in this war over god they decided to ad a heavy druguse into it as well...Voila things got bad and Alan had to move down to Ballina and there he met Carso, think it was ment to be. Alan and Carso saw life with the same eyes, have fun, never grow up. get wasted as often as you can and have a lot of sex. So they got it together so to speak I cant tell you all their stories here and now but Ill tell you the one about Two mile gate and save the rest for another time.
Two mile gate is a beautiful place by the lake, with a beach and a dense forrest, its also the place where we had most of our afterparties and took naked swims...One of these nights Carso and Alan had a very romantic time at a rock watchin the stars and the water....thats all they did because they both were datin other people at that time...so they were just watchin the stars and talkin about politics...or did they?....
They spent another night at the hurling arena and that night all they did where talking about the birds and the bees...Since they both are very interested in animals and nature.
Did I also mention that they were both stonecold sober...hahaha
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
x-mas party or groupsex
XoXo Debbie Doll
Sexual fantasy
One of the most well known sexfantasies is the one about men in uniform. I have one as well its about policemen...they are hot. When i lie in bed at night I picture these policemen coming into my flat with all their gear on, they are all masculine and sexy and I would so so so screw them all.....
Ive illustrade some pics for you to see how id like it to happen
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Textmessage inconvenient
-Well my name is the "electrician" not Anders.
And Nia like, what the hell is going on (scratching her head).
So she read the sent messagefolder:
-Do you´we got dick Anders?
A bit awkward since Nia´s tried to avoid the "electrician" for quite some time now, but what the heck- Dick´s happens.

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
It´s trendy with selfinjuries
Nadja Norling is the girl who started the selfinjury fashion wave in Silver City, so if you visit Sala and you like to be high-fashioned you should cut your wrists, legs and belly just like Nadja Norlig the toughest kid in town.
And if you are a sucker for cred you should also write emo poetry and make destructive paintings, wear a green mohawk, dress in black and use a bucket of black paint around your eyes. Think panda when you´re using your makeup, that would do it, you would be the ass kicking kid in Silver City.

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Famous cake
I have to admit the cake looked better in real life, my cellphone takes crappy pics.
Well enjoy!

Mmmmm delicious :D
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
She´s is hyperactive, never sleeps, and most of the time she´s jumping around like a mongoloid on speed.
And she´s got problem with anxiety and depression.
She hardly can´t controll her impulses especially when she´s drunk and horny, big warning bells are calling!
I just made her try a test on the internet, which is also used by doctors and pshycologists- DSM IV.
And what a suprise, she had very high scores overall; she´s impulsive, hyperactiv and have big problem with her attention.
I´ve read that ADHD kids and grownups shouldent eat sugar, but then what would I feed Tina?
The should eat omega 3, so maby I should update Tinas private pharmacy and get her to a support group.
Well I guess this wasen´t a surprise for you guys...

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Thunderball Pigglet
Thunderball Pigglet is his supercat alias, and his special superpower is sending thunderballs through his eyes, Pigglet told me his testicles used to shoot flaming firecrackers and that his old balls were the coolest one´s in town. But Pigglet got castrated when he was a little kitten so now his so called balls only sparkle a bit and makes unny noises when he´s upset.
Wonder what would happend if you put him in thewashing machine with some laundry softener.....

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Dont be a gay raper
What they did forget though is that if you rape animals you can cause damages too, especially for the animals. This is not something that seem to be very important to the Swedish government since its not forbidden at all.
So think twice before you move to Sweden...
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
I see molesters
-Fuckable and fat on streets and markets
You have to check it out: Knullig och tjock!
It´s in swedish, but I can describe it for you english speaking guys:
-Fuckable and fat on streets and markets
Atleast I know which song I will be playing this christmas!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Cake marathon
If their not home slaving for their men, then it´s a big indication that they are up to something bad, like whoring around town. That´s one crucial lesson my dad once tought me.
I was supposed to add a picture here on the amazing 3 hour birthday cake, but it´ll have to wait because Soffans digital camera is out of batteries. Guess you have to try to manage without a pic for a couple of hours!
I´m thinking of giving Carso a ring, cheer her up. Miss that female madly!
Well well, I´m going back helping Tina study now.
Smell yah later!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Nintendo DS
Well she´s only played for 30 minutes this morning, hope she´ll resist Zelda for the rest of the day.
Today it´s bake a cake day for me and Tina, we´re gonna make a big chocolate cake with philadelphia frosting in pink- hope mum likes the cake, and that Tina does´nt burn it.
Tina´s wondering why everyone asks her if she´s a punk. She think she´s not, but aperantly there´s something that makes people ask. It´s like with Carsos family who´s always wondering if she´s gay, I mean it´s not like Carso is butch looking or am I wrong?
Let´s get back to writing this fucking report now....
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
A big tribute to Majken
Very few times I´ve seen Tina this happy, she´s like a kid on christmas eve.
Micke from Asta Kask sent her their side project- Johnny Kask, Johnny Cash with swedish lyrics.
And the hapiness was total!
I know Tina has been looking for this songs in ages so I can in a way understand her, even though she´s acting like a moron.
But it was a close call. All this modern new technique is as usual doing it´s own thing, but after a few meltdowns and the fact that hotmail can´t send 8 songs in one e-mail at the same time, we´re slowly getting there.
So this imcredible man is sending Tina one song per mail, all creds to Majken who´s appreciating his fans!
And Ernie, get well soon!
Xo Xo Debbie Doll
What the fuck is going on?
Tried to reach her today but of some reason she doesnt answer the phone. I found out its because
she is stupid, dumb and unintelligent (she has it on paper) So for the next days you might not
hear that much from Eastbay and Carso, enjoy the Silver City life of Tina instead
Back in town
Well anyway, her plastic mum Agge told us that little sis Soffan has been drunk for the "first" time.
Tina laughed her ass off, when she heard that Soffan and her girlfiend´s slept over at Molle (Tina´s oldest little sis) because they were so drunk. And that Soffans friend who´s now an "ex friend" reveald it all to the their parents.
So now little Soffan has curfew or the rest of her life!

Xo Xo Debbie Doll
Public transport- to the big silvercity

Xo Xo Debbie Doll